The Best Football League In The World

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Manchester has already made three huge signing.lets have a look at their impact in the team
1. Phil Jones :- Manchester united defense  did looked ordinary at times in their title winning campaign last year. During the absence of either both Ferdinand and their new inspiring sensation Vidic ,the like of Evans ,browns were under the screw and faulted . So here comes the role of Phil Jones,if he manages to impress boss ,sir alex Ferguson he could even start as Ferdinand doesn't seems to have the same pace he used to have.all in all the English international is good buy for Manchester
2.Ashley young:-the fast ,pacy ,intelligent and ofcourse English midfielder at 15 mil is such a good buy for the club.But i doubt its as good for the player himself. Young would definetly want to play coming Euro cup and World cup.But with the presence of Nani, Ryan Giigs ,Valencia. he might not get as many chances to prove himself worthy for England duty.
3. David De Gea:- He is best signing and most important one as well.very highly rated Spanish can be next big thing in Manchester after retirement of mighty Van Der Saar.he might take few time to settle in premierleague more so due to its physical  features.he must be good with his  handling of ball during set pieces.he might targeted as well as he is young and doesn't look physically of luck to the guy.

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